Poland Spring Bottling Museum

The Poland Spring Water Museum and Source Building are open for the season (Memorial Day – Columbus Day) Thursday-Saturday & Monday 9AM-4PM, Sundays 9-12!
Before Poland Spring was a famous spring water brand, it was a celebrated inn. The Ricker family built the inn way back in 1797, but it was Hiram Ricker (grandson of the first Ricker settlers) who discovered the fresh taste of the spring water at the original source. The water was so refreshing, he drank from the spring for a whole week straight (we don’t blame him). Legend has it that he believed the water benefited his health, and just like that, a wonder tonic was born.
Ricker began sharing his fresh-tasting spring water with friends and neighbors, selling clay jugs for 5 cents a gallon. Soon, word spread throughout Maine of the water’s incredible taste — and a regional brand was born. Water bottled from the original Poland Spring source became available all throughout the Northeast by the barrel or the bottle. (That’s a lot of greatness going around!)

The Poland Spring brand started earning accolades across the country, first earning recognition at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, then winning the grand prize at the St. Louis Fair. More in demand than ever, Poland Spring Natural Spring Water became the drink of choice on Pullman cars, transatlantic ships — and even zeppelins! (AKA giant blimps).
Demand for bottled water was growing. To keep up, the Ricker family constructed a permanent bottling facility — the largest and best-equipped in America (way back then). Knowing the tourism potential of their property and their beautiful home state, the Ricker family helped establish the Maine Publicity Bureau, known today as the Maine Tourism Association. This led to great conservation efforts in the areas surrounding their home and throughout the state (way to go, Ricker family!).

Today these buildings reflect a continued dedication to the growth of Poland Spring Brand Natural Spring Water. After a three-year restoration project that began in 1998, the bottling facility and spring house were faithfully restored and transformed into an informative museum open to the public.
In 2021, new exhibits were introduced featuring, most notably, a locomotive and child sized bottling museum replica. The area also showcases water monitoring equipment, tells the story of a watershed, and offers an interactive stream grading game.

Owned by BlueTriton Brands
Tours by Poland Spring Preservation Society
If you would like to rent the building for a reception or business event please contact Crobbins@fairpoint.net.